Sweet Clover COVID-19 Policies & Procedures

Updated 6/20/2023

To create and maintain a healthy community for Sweet Clover Preschool's children, families, and teachers, we have adopted licensing requirements issued by the Oregon Department of Education’s Early Learning Division during this time. This list will be updated as needed for the purpose of maintaining the health and safety of our community. Also, please keep in mind that these are guidelines for young kiddos who will in fact be in a small group-pod together. We will still have fun and it is impossible to expect the children to always maintain distance with each other. As their care providers, Teachers will gently guide them in safer health practices.

Signs of Illness: Due to the fatal nature of COVID-19, we will be unable to allow children showing signs of respiratory illness to remain in care; this includes excessive coughing and wheezing. If your child has these type of respiratory issues, they will need to stay home and can return when free of symptoms for 72 hours. If your child has more than one symptom related to COVID-19, we will need to discuss your child returning to care further, and ask that you keep your child home until they can either be tested for the virus or evaluated by their doctor. Please see our full illness policy on this website. If your child experiences symptoms of COVID-19, please notify Lisa immediately.

We must exclude staff and children for COVID-19 symptoms or cases as follows:

•The adult or child has had an illness with fever, unusual cough, or shortness of breath in the last 10 days.

• Unusual cough means out of the ordinary for this person – e.g., not usual asthma, allergies, common cold.

• Fever means 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or more, without the use of fever reducing medication.

• The symptomatic individual must stay away from child care for 10 days after onset of symptoms and 24 hours after both fever and cough resolve, without the use of a fever reducing medication.

• If a child or staff member with symptoms of COVID-19 tests negative, they may return 24 hours after resolution of cough and fever, without the use of fever-reducing medication.

• If a child or staff member with symptoms of COVID-19 is advised by a medical professional they can return to care (e.g., diagnosed with something else and given antibiotics), they are allowed return to care. Documentation from the medical professional is required. The child or person must be fever-free for at least 24 hours. If a child has more than two of these COVID-19 symptoms: (fever, cough, or shortness of breath), they must get a COVID-19 test from a medical professional. The test must be taken 3 days after their initial symptoms started, before returning to care. In other words, if a child has a fever and cough on Monday, they need to get tested on Wednesday or later for test accuracy. If your child is having these symptoms, they are probably contagious whether or not it is COVID-19.

Positive Cases: If you or your child has been diagnosed with COVID-19, please notify Lisa immediately. This ensures all necessary safety steps can be taken promptly and that all staff, and families can take COVID-19 tests, limit further exposure, and communicate with appropriate parties, including: medical professionals, other family members, and State & County offices, as is required in a Licensed childcare facility.

If you or your child test positive for COVID-19 your child will only be able to return to care after quarantining for 5 days, and being symptom free for 72 hours. The possibility of bringing COVID-19 into this community is too great a risk to take. Our Community includes families with underlying health conditions, infants, and siblings outside of those attending Sweet Clover. If you or your child come into close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19, you’ll need to stay home for 3-days, then test negative before returning to school.

Testing should be done 3-5 days after possible exposure for accuracy.