

If your child exhibits any of the following symptoms, we will ask you to arrange for pick-up promptly. These symptoms are common indications that suggest a possible contagious illness and we do our best to keep our community healthy!

Symptoms prompting exclusion from care are:

  • Diarrhea

  • green, brown, gray, tan or yellow drainage from nose, eyes, or any other part of the body

  • Vomiting

  • Fever over 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit within past 24 hours

  • Cough: deep, barking, congested, or productive of colored mucous

  • White, clay-colored, or bloody stool

  • Brown or bloody urine

  • Yellow color to skin or eyes

  • Eyes with redness and/or discharge (signs of Pink Eye)

  • Skin or eye lesions

  • Any type of rash (unless determined by a doctor to be noncontagious)

  • Stiff neck or headache

  • Difficulty breathing or wheezing

  • Complaints of severe pain

  • Unusually sleepy or lethargic

    These are in accordance with Multnomah County & Oregon State Guidelines. If your child is exhibiting any of these symptoms PLEASE keep them home. We have very busy & active days at Sweet Clover and our schedule is not well-suited for a child who is feeling under-the-weather. Children may return to school when they have been free from these symptoms for 24 hours. We ask that they are fever-free for 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medicines.


    If your child has pinworms, they may not return to school until they have taken pinworm medication and waited 3 days for the medication to work.


Oregon State Law requires that all medications be in their original container and accompanied by dated and signed detailed instructions for use during school hours. During warmer months, we ask that parents apply sunscreen to their child at home in the morning. We will reapply in the afternoon.


Multnomah County requires that all children in childcare have a current and annually updated copy of their immunization record on file.  If you have any questions regarding the immunization requirements, please let us know.

Aggressive Behavior

Aggressive behavior can be a normal part of development in young children. As children are learning to navigate their emotions and socialize with peers, frustrations can occur and sometimes children don’t have the problem solving skills or emotional regulation tools they are beginning to learn. Some of our most important jobs as Teachers at Sweet Clover is guiding children in discovering ways to work harmoniously with friends and how to name and honor their emotions. We will do all we can to help this process and explore children’s personal needs while encouraging empathy for others.

We also need to maintain a safe space for this exploration. When a child’s aggression becomes habitual and regularly disrupts the activities of the day, either by taking Teacher time away from the others, or making other children afraid, then we need to evaluate our capabilities. Sweet Clover Preschool is not designed or equipped for dealing with habitually physically aggressive children. If your child has repetitive, aggressive behavior that is harmful to other children, we may suggest a visit with your pediatrician and/or an occupational therapist to help aid in emotional regulation and/or social development. We may suggest getting a professional assessment. We cannot promise to continue care for your child throughout their therapy, if the child’s harmful behavior continues and we feel that we cannot maintain safety in the classroom.

These are the steps we will take if your child causes harm to another child:

  1. An incident report will be filled out. One will be put in the child’s file and a copy will be given to parents. Teachers will discuss strategies for managing behaviour with the parents.

  2. If the behaviours are repeated: Another incident report will be filled out, one put in the child’s file, one given to parents. Teachers will discuss further strategies for managing the behaviour with the parents. We encourage the same language to be used at home and school for consistency. Ex. “We don’t hit. That really hurt and is not allowed.”

  3. If the behaviors continue: Teachers will contact the parents and advise them that the behaviour will be monitored closely and that if their child continues to interfere with the safety and well-being of others, they may be asked to withdraw from the program.

Sweet Clover Preschool reserves the right to withdraw a child if the safety of another child has been compromised or the program as a whole has been affected by a child’s aggressive behavior.

If a child needs to be withdrawn, the decision to refund the parent will be at the discretion of the Sweet Clover Preschool, LLC.  Refunds are not guaranteed. Operating costs and staffing will remain the same.

Aggression can certainly be part of a child’s behaviour when angered or frustrated.  Should your child have an aggressive episode involving another child, both sets of parents will be notified of the incident, excluding the name of the other child involved, and including what guiding behaviour techniques were used.

Visitor Policy

Our policy for visitors is that we do not allow anyone visiting the school to be alone with children. Only qualified teachers who are approved by and according to State licensing, will ever be alone with enrolled children.