Our program

Sweet Clover Preschool operates Tuesday-Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm. The school is closed on Mondays for teacher planning & school business. We offer 4 day schedules for children aged 3-6 in our conveniently located Northeast Portland home.

Our philosophy is influenced by Montessori practices and encourages independence through practical skill-building. This is wonderfully balanced out in our Reggio Emilia-style Art Studio which is used to nurture creative expression through open-ended art projects, and as a space to introduce fine art techniques.

We believe that scientific research and the natural world are foundational in our classroom and have a thoughtfully planned and dynamic outdoor area. At Sweet Clover, children are inspired to research local birds, insects, and plant species. We model the project approach-style in our emergent, child-lead curriculum. Our lead teacher’s goal is to give the children materials, ideas, and provocations for furthering the research the children naturally show their interest in, and to incorporate community strengthening opportunities and age-appropriate skill building throughout that process.

We use low impact, eco-conscious materials, cleaning supplies, and cloth towels. We practice repurposing materials, recycling, and composting. We also reuse rainwater for our projects and in our organic garden, which the children are encouraged to take ownership of, care for, and enjoy.

Music is a big part of our child-led curriculum at Sweet Clover. Lisa offers her classroom many opportunities to explore musical expression, song-writing, and general music theory. Each morning at our circle gathering, children are encouraged to join in song and are introduced to musical concepts & vocabulary.

Our schedule

Our daily schedule is flexible to the needs of our community.

8:30-9:00 Morning Greetings & Free activity choice

9:00-9:30 Organic Morning Snack provided

9:30-10:00 Morning Meeting (Introduction of topic choices & group project work) Children will also have the choice of spending our meeting in the classroom, Art Studio, or working on music as a group.

10:00-10:45 Outside time

10:45-11:15 Circle gathering (Music, Stories, opportunities for movement & dancing)

11:15-11:45 Lunch (Parents pack lunches from home, which are kept in our refrigerator. Children are also welcome to their lunches for afternoon snacking)

11:45-12:30 Free Choice (Building, Dramatic Play, Play Room, Art Studio, Table Work)

12:30-12:45 Stories, songs & meditation techniques to prepare for rest

12:45-3:00 Rest time for nappers (Non-nappers hear a reading from a chapter book, then are invited to use writing/drawing materials, finish projects, and work in journals)

3:00-3:20 Organic Afternoon Snack provided

3:20-4:00 Outside time

4:00-4:30 Open-ended activities, reading & Goodbyes